Ways to Improve Your Communication Skills

“Communication is the solvent of all problems and is the foundation for personal development. – Peter Shepherd”

Communication Skills are the basic skills you need to improve to be valued in any place. Even to be involve in world’s affairs or to survive in company’s environment or even to communicate with people in society Communication Skills are necessary. Without Excellent Communication Skills, you will not be able to communicate the information in your mind with people around you and that leads to a miscommunication.

The ability to express yourself clearly and confidently can help you on a personal and professional front. If you are a newly joined in an organization and you are lacking the Communication Skills these are ways to improve Communication Skills.

  • Improve Vocabulary

The meaning of VOCABULARY is a list or collection of words or A vocabulary is a set of familiar words within a person’s language. Basically, you need to know more or similar words and should know how and when to use those words according to the situation. And for any employee or any student Vocabulary is one of the basic steps to improve Communication Skills. You can Improve Vocabulary by reading newspapers, blogs, books, listening to music and observe the words that has been used, you can also attend plays, shows, or events in English, writing journals, watching movies in English and use subtitles also.  

  • Learn To Listen

English is foreign language and to excel in it you need to very keen listener. To improve your Communication Skills, learn to be a vigilant Listener. Observe the speakers how they are using the words and making them into use. You can also improve grammar by listening to them.

  • Practice Sentences

Important part to improve Communication Skills is to practice or start creating sentences. Even if you know vocabulary and you know the information but if you are lacking in making correct sentence, then the information will get mis-leaded. Start writing down one sentence in different ways, by doing this practice daily you can also improve your grammar.

  • Start Conversing in English

Next step is to start speaking in English to excel Communication Skills. Speak conversing in English with your friends, family, colleagues, siblings etc. Grab any opportunity you get to improve your Communication Skills. Start by simply using basic sentences like ‘how you spend your day?’, sharing small conversations.

  • Record yourself

To excel your Communication Skills, start recording yourself while conversing with people, practicing your sentences, or in any way possible. Listen to the recording and make notes where you are lacking. This step will help you in a long run to improve yourself in communication, sentence formation, improve grammar, improve vocabulary etc.

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